Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Explained
There is a unique value to every testing method.
Hair Analysis is a test of intracellular minerals indicating metabolic trends of an individual.
Some unique benefits of analyzing hair:
- Hair is stable biopsy material that doesn’t require special treatment.
- The mineral levels in hair are about ten times of what is found in the blood.
- Hair provides a unique cellular reading of mineral levels. The cells, not the blood or urine, are the major site of metabolic activity.
- Hair Analysis may indicate how effectively hormones are delivering their messages at the cellular level (indication of receptor sensitivity and cellular responsiveness.)
- Hair mineral levels will vary long before they show up in blood or before pathology is present. Blood will maintain homeostasis at all costs. A person showing deviances in their blood typically is in an advanced state of imbalance.
- Hair analysis is considered to be a reliable source for detecting toxic metals. Toxic metals concentrate in the soft tissues, not in the blood or urine. Toxic metals are not found in high concentrations in the blood except right after acute exposure.
- Another advantage to using hair is that sampling is simple and non-invasive. Hair mineral analysis is extremely cost effective, and when using the right laboratory, it’s very accurate and reliable.
Larry Witson, M.D., Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis 3rd Revised Edition.
(L.D. Wilson Consultants, 2005)
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